November 23rd 2023

Revolutionising Material Handling in New Zealand

Revolutionising Material Handling in New Zealand

November 23rd 2023

Revolutionising Material Handling in New Zealand

Vertu Equipment, a trusted provider of innovative industrial solutions, is thrilled to introduce SANY material handlers to the New Zealand market. These cutting-edge machines are revolutionising material handling operations across various industries, delivering unrivalled efficiency, improved sustainability, and substantial cost savings. Vertu Equipment is particularly excited to present the electric models, including the SMHW48 Wheeled Material Handler and SMHC45 Crawler Material Handler, which offer exceptional performance while significantly reducing carbon emissions.

SANY material handlers have garnered global recognition for their superior capabilities and reliability. Designed with state-of-the-art technology, these machines optimize productivity and streamline material handling processes in sectors such as construction, recycling, waste management, and more. The robust build and advanced features of SANY material handlers empower businesses to achieve unparalleled efficiency, driving growth and profitability.

electric material handler nz

The SMHW48 Wheeled Material Handler and SMHC45 Crawler Material Handler, both available as electric models, embody the next generation of sustainable material handling solutions. Let’s delve into the benefits of these remarkable machines:

Enhanced Efficiency

The electric SMHW48 and SMHC45 models deliver exceptional performance without compromising on efficiency. Equipped with advanced electric motors, these material handlers ensure consistent power output, resulting in seamless operations, faster cycle times, and increased productivity. By optimizing energy utilization, businesses can maximize operational output while minimizing energy wastage.

Emissions Reduction

Opting for electric material handlers, such as the SMHW48 and SMHC45 models, significantly reduces carbon emissions. Unlike traditional diesel-powered counterparts, these electric variants produce zero exhaust emissions, making them environmentally friendly choices. By complying with stringent environmental regulations, businesses can enhance their sustainability and contribute to a greener future.

Cost Savings

Electric material handlers offer substantial long-term cost savings by minimizing fuel and maintenance expenses. With the elimination of diesel fuel consumption, businesses can reduce fuel costs and avoid price fluctuations. Additionally, electric models require less maintenance due to the absence of complex internal combustion engines, resulting in reduced downtime and increased profitability.

Vertu Equipment takes immense pride in providing New Zealand businesses with the opportunity to harness the exceptional advantages of SANY material handlers. The availability of the electric SMHW48 and SMHC45 models enables companies to embrace sustainable practices while enhancing operational efficiency and profitability.

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